Human Resources Consultant, Outsourcing & Services

Human Resources Consultant, Outsourcing & Services

Unemployment Changes due to COVID19

In response to COVID19, NC Unemployment eligibility and processes have been changed to assist workers who have been affected.

The order pertains to individuals who are separated from employment, who have had their work hours reduced, or who are prevented from working due to medical condition caused by COVID-19 or due to communicable disease control measures.

Our HR consultants are sharing the following changes in effect for individuals eligible for benefits due to COVID-19:

Waiting Period. Normally, individuals do not receive payment for the first week of their claim for unemployment—this is the one-week waiting period. The one-week waiting period is waived for people filing as a direct result of COVID-19.

Note: After you file your claim, your last employer is given, by law, 10 days to respond to DES about your claim. No payment will be released until after this 10-day period. If there are no issues with a claim, individuals typically receive payment within about 14 days of filing their initial claim.

Work Search Requirements. The order allows some requirements to be waived for people filing for unemployment due to COVID-19. If you are filing due to COVID-19, you may answer ‘yes’ to the following question on the Weekly Certification: ‘Did you look for work?’

Note: Requirements for performing a work search and being able and available for work are still in effect for individuals filing for unemployment due to reasons other than COVID-19.

No charges will be assessed to an employer’s account for any benefits paid as a direct result of COVID-19.

NC employees who have been displaced due to COVID19, should apply online. NC is now requiring all employers to issue a notice regarding unemployment eligibility at termination, and are allowing employers to file on your behalf.  See notice for details.

We recommend employers whose businesses who are affected by COVID19 to provide detailed instructions on how to apply, the new processes, and eligibility requirements to any employees that are being laid off or hours are reduced. If your business is faced with the decision of reducing hours and staff, we recommend consulting with an HR professional so that you can be sure to be in compliance with state and federal laws and explore all your options.

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